Expert in Martial Arts Kikin Ucelo shares expert insights on carjacking prevention and road safety tips during an interview. Learn how to protect yourself and your vehicle from carjacking threats and stay safe on the roads. 🚗💡 #carjackingprevention #roadsafetytips #staysafe"

Sharing my expertise on carjacking prevention and road safety tips 🚗💡. Stay safe on the roads and protect yourself from potential threats 💪 #carjackingprevention #roadsafetytips #staysafe"

Local News Channel asked Sensei Kikin for some help with ideas and recommendations on staying safe in your own car.

As we drive our cars every day, we often take our safety for granted. However, carjacking is a real threat that can happen to anyone, anywhere. In this blog post, we will share some essential tips to help you avoid becoming a victim of carjacking.

According to the FBI, a carjacking occurs every 45 seconds in the United States. Carjacking is a violent crime that can result in serious injury or even death. Therefore, it is crucial to be aware of your surroundings and take the necessary precautions to protect yourself and your vehicle.

Here are some tips to help you avoid carjacking:

  • Always be aware of your surroundings when approaching your car.
  • Use your windows as mirrors when opening the door.
  • Place your bag in the back seat to check for break-ins.
  • Lock your doors immediately when entering.

If someone is in your car and you didn’t notice or couldn’t stop it:

  • Make noise to attract attention.
  • Consider crashing your car (as a last resort).
  • Get out of the car quickly.

If you’re a victim of carjacking:

  • Scoot away from the window and create distance.
  • Surrender your car if told to do so (your safety is priority).
  • If you have kids, instruct them to get out (if old enough) or ask the perpetrator to let them out (they often don’t want extra problems).

While there’s no way to fully prepare for a situation like this, thinking about and discussing it can help your mind recognize the situation and respond better if it happens. Stay vigilant and safe on the roads!


Sensei Kikin Interview



Univision 33 le pidio ayuda y recomendaciones a nuestro Sensei Kikin de como estar seguro en nuestro propio carro.

¡Mantente seguro en tu vehículo! 🚗💡

  1. Siempre se consciente de tu entorno al acercarte a tu carro.
  2. Usa tus ventanas como espejos al abrir la puerta.
  3. Coloca tu bolso en el asiento trasero para comprobar que todo esta bien.
  4. Cierra con llave las puertas inmediatamente al entrar.

Si alguien entra en tu carro y no tes da cuenta o no puedes evitarlo:

  1. Haz ruido para atraer atención.
  2. Considera estrellar tu carro (como último recurso).
  3. Haz lo posible y sal del carro lo mas rápido posible.

Si eres víctima de un robo de carro:

  1. Aléjate de la ventana y crea distancia.
  2. Entrega tu carro si te lo piden (tu seguridad es prioridad).
  3. Si tienes hijos, diles que salgan (si son lo suficientemente mayores) pídele al asaltante que los deje salir (es muy probable que no quiera mas problemas).

Aunque no hay manera de prepararse completamente para una situación como esta, pensar en ella y hablar sobre ella puede ayudar a que tu mente reconozca la situación y responda mejor si ocurre.
Recuerda, tu vida no es reemplazable y la idea es siempre regresar a casa ¡Mantente atento y seguro en la calles como todo un ninja! 🥷💪🏽

Aqui te dejamos el video

Entrrevista con Sensei KIKIN

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